Monday 8 September 2008

exercise--addition 1 I overslept this morning. ........ , my car ran out of petrol on the way to work. (not only that)2 The report is expected to be critical of the industry. ........, it is likely to recommend extensive changes to production. (Futhermore)3 The witness claims to have seen the suspect at the scene of the crime. ........, the police are in possession of video evidence of the man entering the building. (Moreover)4 ........ the wonderful main meal we also had a delicious pudding. (Besides)5 If you're going into town could you get me some shampoo? ........, we need some more bread. (Also)6 Payments to your account have fallen behind considerably. ........, on several occasions your credit limit has been exceeded. (moreover)7 It was a brilliant game. ........, we didn't have to pay to get in! (what's more)8 The meeting concluded without any agreement being reached. ........, several further issues arose. (_in additon)

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