Monday 8 September 2008

Cause and Result 1. The accident happened because of terrible weather.The accident ........ bad weather. (RESULT)was the result ofhappened as a result of2. The train was cancelled so I missed my appointment......... the cancellation I missed my appointment. (CONSEQUENCE)As a consequence of3. They decided to buy a new car because of the problems they were having with their old one.They decided to buy a new car ........ problems with their old one. (SINCE)since they had been havingsince they were havingsince they had had4. We were unable to contact you as communications were so poor.We couldn't contact you ........ communications were so poor. (OWING)owing to the fact that5. You have been late every morning this week so we have deducted the lost time from your wages.We have deducted money from your wages ........ you have been late every morning this week. (DUE) due to the fact that6. I was sent home from school because I was feeling sick.The student was sent home ........ the fact that he was feeling sick. (ACCOUNT)on account of7. It was too far to walk so we caught the bus.We got the bus as ........ to walk. (ENOUGH)it was not near enough8. The film was so boring that we decided to leave early......... we decided to leave early. (SUCH)It was such a boring film

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