Thursday 31 July 2008

The Late Introduction

I do not know the deadline. So I did not send it to my blog as well as the teacher's email yesterday. This is my work: From TV, can you get the fact of who killed the president Kennedy? It is generally agreed that the things showed on TV is far from the reality. TV is business, so one of the main purposes is reaping profit. To chase this purpose the TV corporation must produce more attractive programme for the audiences. So the reality will be ignored when it is not suit for the taste of the audience. What is more, TV is politics, so TV will be effect by the government. Much content may be rejected by the reason of national security. At the same time, some unreal content may be played on the TV by the same reason, as the Star War Program in 1980’s. So this essay will give an overview of the lie on TV and the reason.

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